Outdated HIV Laws in Mississippi: A Glimpse into Their Origins

Originally posted on November 13, 2023 here.

A Message from Linda Dixon, Director of Health Law at Mississippi Center for Justice

In the fight against HIV/AIDS, incredible progress has been made over the past few decades, but not all states have kept pace with evolving medical and societal understanding. Mississippi, unfortunately, remains one of the states with outdated HIV laws that do more harm than good. To shed light on this issue, let’s take a closer look at how these laws came about and why they urgently need reform.

The Origins of Mississippi’s HIV Laws

Mississippi’s HIV-specific laws were primarily enacted during the height of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s and 1990s. At the time, little was known about the virus, and fear and misinformation fueled discrimination and stigma against those living with HIV/AIDS. In response, some states, including Mississippi, implemented laws that were punitive rather than preventive. Since then, there has been significant study of HIV/AIDS, and we now know so much more about how it is and is not transmitted. For instance, there has never been one documented case of HIV being transmitted through saliva. In addition, highly effective medication has been developed which can both drop someone living with HIV’s viral count so low that they do not transmit the virus, while other medication helps prevent getting the virus.

The Problem with Outdated Laws

The outdated HIV laws in Mississippi, like those in other states, primarily fall into two categories: criminalization and disclosure requirements. These outdated laws criminalize behaviors such as nondisclosure of one’s HIV status to a sexual partner, even when the virus is not transmitted. They also impose harsh penalties, including imprisonment, for those found guilty of violating these laws.

The problems with these laws are numerous:

  • These Laws Promote Stigmatization and Fear Instead of Public Health: These laws perpetuate stigma and fear surrounding HIV. Instead of encouraging open dialogue and education, they deter people from getting tested and seeking treatment for fear of legal repercussions.

  • These Laws Are Out of Touch with Science: Criminalizing HIV transmission or nondisclosure is not aligned with the current understanding of HIV as a manageable, chronic condition. Science has shown that effective treatment can reduce the risk of transmission to almost zero.

  • These Laws Disincentivize Testing and Treatment and are Ineffective Deterrence: Research shows that these laws do not effectively prevent the spread of HIV. Instead, they can discourage individuals from learning their status or disclosing it to partners.

The Need for Reform

Thankfully, there has been a growing awareness of the need to reform outdated HIV laws across the United States, including in Mississippi. Advocates, healthcare professionals, and legal experts have been pushing for change, arguing that these laws do more harm than good.

Reforms should focus on:

  • Education and Awareness: Promoting accurate information about HIV transmission and prevention to reduce stigma and fear.

  • Modernizing Laws: Bringing laws in line with current medical knowledge, acknowledging the effectiveness of treatment, and eliminating overly punitive measures.

  • Encouraging Testing and Treatment: Encouraging individuals to get tested, seek treatment, and take responsible steps to prevent transmission.

  • Protecting Privacy: Ensuring that the rights and privacy of individuals living with HIV are protected.

It’s essential for Mississippi, like other states, to recognize that the fight against HIV/AIDS is not just a medical one but also a societal and legal one. Reforming these outdated laws is a crucial step toward creating a more compassionate and informed environment that supports those affected by HIV while effectively addressing the challenges.


A Comparative Look at HIV Laws in the Deep South: Mississippi vs. Tennessee, Alabama, and Louisiana